Sunday, April 27, 2008

Hank underground

My aunt Terri and uncle Sam and cousin Hank were in town this weekend for a visit, and we had a blast! We spent Saturday afternoon at the zoo. We saw a hyrax in a tree, and Hank observed that if he was on the ground, he would be a low-rax. We also watched a grumpy old gorilla grab a helmet, climb to the top perch where everyone could see her, and slowly pee into the helmet. Then, as everyone in the crowded viewing area screamed "No!! Don't do it!!", she slowly raised the helmet to her mouth and proudly drank every last drop. Then she lowered the helmet and stared at us with a look that said, "Are you shocked now? Yeah, that's right, I'm hard-core!"

Then today, Sunday, Hank took his first Metro ride to the Museum of Natural History! Check it out...

Waiting for the train:

Here it comes!

All aboard!

At the museum...

Hank and Terri, learning about diplodocus or, as Hank dubbed the long-necked dinosaur, giraffe-osaur or giraffe rex.

Ready for the 3D Imax!


Spenc said...

It's kind of amazing how much nicer your trains are than ours!

amelia said...

Oh my gosh, this little guy is too cute. Ha, and he kind of looks like a mini you!

doug said...

Hehe - we both have the same two swirly cowlicks on the back of our heads, too!

Unknown said...

not joking....if i saw that I probably would have literally gagged..I still have a hard time getting the mental picture out of my mind. But the kid is cute...really cute....kid of like ours would have been had you not left me here...