Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I just saw the Pope

Some coworkers and I were eating lunch on the roof just now and we heard a motorcade go sirening by. Typically, that's the president or vice president, which is exciting but sort of old-hat at this point. But this time, we realized, it might be the Popemobile. It was. We watched from above as it zipped through Dupont Circle below... Oh, Popemobile!


amelia said...

HAHA, this is a real thing?! He sits in a little glass enclave? That is awesome.

Unknown said...

This is exactly the kind of thing I want to end up rolling around in. When its all said and done I am going to be a spectacle in my own right looking like this. I want a driver along with food handler that would keep me properly fed

Brian said...

Did you have a rifle up there on the roof....? And who is this Amelia person and why doesn't she know what the Popemobile is?! He has that glass thing so that people up on ROOFS don't SHOOT HIM!

Anonymous said...
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doug said...

Brian, I've been surprised how many people don't seem to know what the Popemobile is. When we were talking about seeing it here at work, a bunch of people were like, "What?" AshKat (whose party you attended with me) said her excuse was that she was Jewish. But that's no excuse: I'm Mormon, from a state that has a total of like five Catholics, and I know what the Popemobile is!

Spenc said...

Ya, I had no idea what that was either... He just flies it around with him? Or does he keep one in important cities like DC for special visits?

Crazy jebus folk...

Just Nicole said...

The Pope Mobile! That is so cool!!